Sunday, April 10, 2011

Exams are coming~gambattteee~!

Hi yo~sorry for not updating:p...
Well, Im here to tell you that my exams are maybe I may not be blogging until 13 May.
Sorrwieee!! I promise to blog after that! or maybe no one is reading this blog lol! *forever alone*
Wish me luck for my exams! Ja~ne!♥

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sand art!

Im bacK!
This time I will be updating more often^^!~
Yesterday, went to deyi sec for sand art lessons!
It was part of our art learning journey so YEAH~!
Photo time!!
Done by emi!
She wan be take pic lol show off=3= JK~

my fail!!
my fail grapes....

You can see that so many things that I drew were all...FAIL!!
hahas!im so noob at drawing!!
Overall, really enjoyed this lesson.
I still have lesson part two on thursday~
Look forward to it!!^^