Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flag Day+ Prawn fishing!

Went for Flag Day 2012! YAY~
From this day onwards, I really really learnt that I should donate to the people carrying the donation tins cause its actually very very tiring and full of hard work T.T
Collected quite alot of donations! ^_^
Tin was very heavy~
The stickers were flying everywhere~
Some people treated us as 'air' -.- Totally ignored us!!
 HARD WORK!Even emi's hair had the sticker sticking on it.

 Caught little prawns T.T
 BBQ the prawns~
So tasty!! ^_^
First time fishing!
This sport really trains your patience LOLS.
Its fun and fustrating at the same time xD
I expected the prawns to taste bland.But it isn't that bad actually :)

Jeselin's Birthday !!

3rd february 2012
Its jes Birthday!! :DD
Celebrated at Junction 8!
She treated us Pasta Mania~So sweet of her =u=

 Emi raping ali~
 We bought a DIY cake for her!~

 Our awesome art piece -.-

Smile!! :)
Jes is nao older~Next would be me T.T


Gosh!Im rushing all my old blog posts nao!! T_T
This is like CHINESE NEW YEAR POST LOL and I am still writing it nao T_T
 Janis looks tired!

 Emi's epic face
 Eeliz so cute!

So much fun that day! xD