Saturday, April 27, 2013

The forgotten march favourites

Been a long while again since I blogged!
Totally forgot about the march favs and now my not-so-good memory had already forgotten what I have done in march.
Well...I do remember that March I celebrated my birthday :D
And I still have my food snapshots for march:
Ramen I ate at ramen was HUGE.

Ate this at hagen dars.THE CHOCOLATE ASDJASDBAS

Always been a fan of taiyaki.This is at bugis

very pathetic subway melt sandwich

Mac n cheese at swensens

chicken breasts at swensen too

Vegetable soup at swensens toooo
Since March was my birthday, heres the cake I ate:
prepare for cuteness
Ta-da piggy cake :D Its bought from the icing room btw, THEY SELL LOADS OF CUTE CAKES.

So to sum up march its quite a fun month since I stopped working on the 21st and had fun hanging out with friends and stuff before school starts -cries-
Yea...I think thats all for march favourites..oh well bai :3