Saturday, May 2, 2015

Just a thought

Recently after I was terribly depressed about some personal issues, I realised I didn't spring back to the happy person I was, bubbly and always looking forward to what is going on in my day.

I became really empty. Not as in the i'm deprived of something empty because I have everything I wanted. Love, friends, hobbies. But I no longer look forward to anything anymore, it feels like I've lived a thousand years and is actually sick of life.

I don't get it, I'm not depressed. In fact I feel really blessed. But the thought to end my life still lingers because I no longer feel the thrill and excitement in life anymore, like maybe I have cleared all my missions in my life already I don't know.

I know its not true but still sometimes the thought of killing myself goes so strong I have to cut myself to make myself feel alive.

What is happening. I really don't want to upset anybody.

Nowadays I feel like a spirit trapped inside this human body,

just existing

and wasting human resources that can be meant for so many people who treasure life more than mine.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Question to myself

So I'm back to this blog.
I've been thinking about going back to blogging for quite awhile,
but this time maybe I will blog about books I've read.
However, the question is
Should I start a new blog or should I revive this blog and continue its journey?
Questions Questions Questions.
Also, I do art,
Tumblr: (am moving away from this art blog soon)
 I don't post regularly, I usually post all my artworks all at once during the weekends.
(And only the nice ones.)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekly update: end of 3rd week of September

Here comes a weekly update~:


Had a super long KTV session!
It was six hours long
and halfway through the fun
we actually got quite tired already 
and our singing was all
crappy and stuff LOL.
But hey now I know that SSC has 
a very affordable KTV place.
Each person was only $6!
But thats only if you come
in a big group haha.
It was the day where all
our results will be released.
I was so nervous I
actually decided to 
stay up until 8am to see
my results. But alas, I dozed 
off around 4am.
What a noob I am.
I even dreamt about my results
lolol and when I woke up,
I just switched on my com straight away
and broke the results page
because I refreshed too much.
See how awesome I am?
Overall, it was okay and 
im hoping to achieve higher
next semester!

Had a digital painting workshop,
I learnt a lot on
how to get inspirations 
but I don't really have the time 
to do much digital work now..
Went out with my classmates 
after that and 
shared inspirations!
That motivated to draw more!

It was Mid-Autumn Festival!
I celebrated it with my classmates
and being a noob I am, 
burnt my finger with the lighter
because I didnt know
how to light candles.

Hanged out with my best friends
and found out about this
Korean 'fast food' place.
Instead of serving fries,
they served ramen too!
The whole place is like fast food
restaurant-based.And the toppoki
Went coffee bean and tea leaf
to chat and it was
a bad decision to buy
iced caramel latte.
Apparently, the whole coffee
was filled with so much milk,
my lactose sensitive stomach
couldn't handle it.
I started to feel nauseous and stuff.
I hate that feeling..
Because I went out too much,
I slept through this day..LOL

And I went out with my parents.
They bought me a new
backpack which was
quite branded but they 
were having a sale
so hey its

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly update: end of 2nd week of September

Here comes a weekly update~
This week was probably filled will lotsa lotsa yummy food.

And these are the ones that I remembered to take ^

So since its holidays, I hang out with my besties weekly because I MISS THEM SO MUCH ;A;
(Sorry no picture because I looked really derp.)
 My classmates celebrated Calvin's birthday together
 with his best friends, Vincent and Mario.
That was probably the first time
I ate Shabu shabu 
and surprisingly it tasted really nice
even though I was pretty 
skeptical about cooking meat
for a few seconds lol.
I was actually a little pissed 
while I was eating because of
something that happened 
but I shall probably let
bygones be bygones ah well.
Tuesday was just being Tuesday
with me being "deaf" 
because of a flu that made my ears 
blocked. I couldnt really hear 
what others are talking
because they all sound so muffled.
I spazzed about this korean idol 
because it is normal
for a female to do so.
I really like this guy's character
a lot because his
personality is pretty much
Was supposed to go KTV 
with my besties but 
the KTV place said that 
they had some electrical problem
which means no more KTV..
So we went bowling instead
and I spent my game
rolling the ball down 
the "drain".
Emily got first~
which was quite shocking haha.
My school's results are out 
and I did quite well
(my expectations of myself = low)
Was quite happy for the rest of the day 
Went to my grandparents house
and played with my 
younger cousins~
I actually played lego
and they all laughed at me 
for being the biggest kid
but lego is fun yo.
And I found out one of them 
was hospitalized due to
some virus or something.
Hope he gets well soon~
Went to my other grandparents house
for a meal to 
celebrate mid-autumn,
Some conflict happened but 
luckily it didnt erupt into
some hardcore 
taiwan drama haha.
My family went shopping
for food which is 
always my favourite haha.
I had a feast on this day.
awww yeaaaa.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I think my blog feels really neglected. I should probably start blogging weekly or something. 
I'm too tired to blog today haha.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Been so long since I've felt this way. The "sad, frustrated, with a lot of pent up emotions in me" mood. I get this kind of mood when im home after a busy day and an argument has to be created at the peaceful atmosphere of the house. And the argument was about such a trivial matter. I don't get it. Just forget about it.
I hate how tough I always want to be. I want to be my own hero, thus I resist breaking down or showing my weak side to others. I never complained how painful it was to fall because I believed it was part of building me up. I trained myself so I won't fear for my safety.
As a female, having this kind of character/attitude is to a disadvantage, I don't like how males care for females because I kinda think it makes females look weak. Thus I always push them away. It's just my mentality, my opinion. Of course, sometimes I wonder whether I'm doing the right thing or will I regret it.
 However often, I stand back up and just suck it up. I have this energy bar for both work and play. Each has 100% and if I don't spend it I get really restless and it feels like I have not really used the day for a good purpose.
There goes my rant. see ya.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Today I sat down and reflected to myself. 
I just realised how disgusting my actions were. 
Its the actions I told myself to avoid at all cost. 
Because these are the things that cause misunderstanding
 and arguments to occur. 
Somehow it may because I had enough already and 
I just want to find places where I can just have fun 
without having to worrying about such trivial matters.
 Yes, if only everybody can get along.
I should stay away from social media,
 there's just too much going on there and
 its making me unhappy.