Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silent night in my imagination

I love staying late at night.
Especially alone,
Nah not because of this,
I love everything about Night. The cool breeze, the peacefulness, mystery, haunting atmosphere.
Really, thats when all my inspirations for my story writing comes out. I love to imagine the impossible.
I love to imagine staying out in the night on a field, with the cool breeze blowing against your face, you observe the surroundings. Everything is peaceful and there will be just you. You can do anything you want, dance around, jump around...its like you are totally free.
Another scenerio would be you are flying, flying past the buildings, the noturnal animals staring at you as you fly past them. 
OR: imagine you have powers!:D! Powers like you are able to shoot crystals from the ground, blood-red, transparent crystals, representing "pure yet evil"
Can you imagine all these?
Well, maybe thats why I love gothic,mysterious things.Especially with abstract art on them!Super cool!
You may think that hey, are you looney? Dreaming about unrealistic stuffs like these, however, thats how I get to forget about the sad things and angry things that happen to me.Which is a good thing :)
Frankly speaking, this world moves too fast. I doubt people will have the time to think about such things.

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