Sunday, August 14, 2011

Product review: Canmake Liquid Eyeliner

Well, I bought this because my old eyeliner is just way too suckish >_>...
So I started to like canmake cosmetics!
This is among the new canmake cosmetics I bought recently~
And I can say Im not really satisfied with it >_>
Testing 1 2 3
Well, my old liner has a very small opening so when I took the handle out, the eyeliner just splash out little splats on my shirt =='
So this eyeliner is so much better, the opening is wide which means no splattering of eyeliner like a abstract artpiece ==''
It creates nice fine strokes too and its dark enough for me!
The oneeee thing that I really hate on this product is that.................
Its not waterproof...
Well, I wasn't aware of that fact == until one day when I was out on a wedding dinner wearing this eyeliner, I wasn't feeling well that day and my cousins were disturbing the hell out of me T_T
So I was cranky and crazy and my stomach was too.
IT WAS ACHING LIKE MAD.So I kinda teared abit (yes. im a ultra super crybaby T_T)
AND TA-DA! When I looked into the mirror I was like =="
The eyeliner disappeared like 1/3?
But ITS ALREADY ALOT since Im wearing eyelashes that day T_T
It got even worse when I used my tissue to gently dab off my tear == GAH!
Luckily, it was almost the end of the wedding dinner so~ SAVE-ED.
Well, so if anybody is considering buying this product,
Rating for this product: 2.5/5

Product review:Etude house Hand lotion: Steam milk

Picture is so slanted 0_0
I think its because the bottle kept rolling off  =="
Well, I bought this hand lotion because I really like the smell! ^_^
This moisturizing hand lotion contains milk and fruit extracts!
It has a very sweet, milky smell that makes you think you are in a high class place 0_0"
HAHA which means it makes people smell very feminine?
Well the bottle is very easy to open and all these,
but when you use until its half-full,
you will find difficulty in squeezing the lotion out!
Okay maybe its just me since im just a blockhead ==
but I did not realize that you have to turn the bottle downward and pat the lotion out if its near empty =3=
well, other than that, the lotion takes quite a time to absorb ^_^
And the smell stays for quite a while~ ME GUSTA.
Well, if you frequently do house chores and stuff and your hands feel like the texture of the roads,
maybe you can try this? ^_^

Rating for product:3/5!

Jump! Concert@Esplanade

So fast and its saturday already!
No tests for this week too ^_^ YEAHHHH
So, things happening this week?
Nothing much~Maybe too much slacking due to the holidays~
HAHA oh yes, recently I have been having nosebleeds ==
It happens like for two days now?
Like seriously, I was just doing my work and BAM!
Blood came flowing down from my nose.WHAT IS THIS!! NANDEEE!!
Is the weather that hot? or am I just too HOT AND SEXAYY -puke x34925347823-
HAHAHAHAHA JOKE.Okai...not funneh.
So on Saturday I went to a concert called JUMP! at Esplanade.
Its sponsered by my school so YESHHH OF COURSE IM GONNA GOOO LOL!
Everybody wore so casual and Im like 0_0... the odd one out?
Well, some wore smart casual too, but its like so feww!!
First time being @ Esplanade( So deprived)
LOL so I took some FAIL pics on the trip to the Esplanade

Emi bought this programme booklet!Quite cool!
The show is just AWESOME!!
Its so funneh!
They have cool martial arts skills!
Love their cool kicks, cartwheels and agile movements!
Imma so jelly!
Everybody all thinks the son-in-law is HOT!
anyway HE IS! xDD
omgahhhhhhh~ -fangirling-
So after the show I realised that I had forgotten to put the money mum gave me to my wallet==
So I ended up with just one two dollars in my wallet. WHY SO POOR!
Have to bear my hunger all the way home!
Furthermore nobody was living near me and I walked home alone.(Forever alone?)
Sigh.Oh did I tell anybody here? I won contacts! xDD
And its been 2 weeks and they are not here yet :\
Well...I shall wait for one more week.
Abrupt ending, THE END xD

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy National Day

Ah~ I know Im late! ><
Uploading some national day celebration in school pics:
Everybody going up to the hall~
Some tasty cakes random~
Well, in my opinion I think that National Day is the only time where I can sense the SUPER STRONG SINGAPORE SPIRIT! :D
Well, you know, everybody wears red and white and sings national day songs~
Takes the national anthem and say the pledge with all the singaporeans~
My friend was like telling me hey dude! You are SO SINGAPOREAN today~
Well this year's NDP is nice!!
I like the whole story plot there you know~
Its so touching ;~;
lol and I LOVE THE AIR FORCE!!!!!!
xD okay short and abrupt ending HAHA

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Product review: Romance Lace, Scents of love Eau De Parfum from sasatinnie

Bought this perfume from sasa not long ago~
I love perfumes that have a natural scent and not a very strong one.
I think a strong one makes me too mature =3=
So the salesperson recommended me this!

I do love the laceydesign of this bottle (cough...emily keep your hands off this lace!)
Its also in my favourite colour! PINK♥!

 Well, the smell is very floral like~ 
Kinda brings the romantic feel~
Its a very refreshing smell where you wouldn't be sick of it even if you smell it x100 times xD
Really! The smell really got me addicted to it hehe! ^_^"
The pink handle is actually a cap!
Well im quite surprised cause I thought it would be like the twist turn kind~

Its quite hard to hold this bottle!! (maybe only for me==)
I was very very afraid to break the bottle as the lace always moves around the bottle,
idk if you get what i mean, well, you know ==" like any moment the lace may just slip out of the bottle and ta-da! Broken perfume T_T.
 Well, of course nobody is gonna be so unlucky ^_^
Perfumes must be handled with care! ^_^ Not just this one! haha~
A song related to the perfume:
Teen Top-No perfume on you~ Enjoy ^_^♥


Gomen for not updating last week~ *talking to myself again as usual*
Was seriously busy with so much test!! T_T
 Bro went to enlist~ Now nobody to play with me anymore T_T...I feel so lonely man!!So bored everyday~
so! Things happening this week(and last week):
Went clarke quay for a project with da trolls!(mini,alison,emi)
Took some pictures there~
Alison and me!

The GX-5 ride if im not wrong?
Wasn't able to ride it!Too expensive!
Emi and me! Loving my checkered shirt from Miss emily!

A dead fish in the Singapore River!!
Well~ we also headed for some ice cream!  ^_^
Was mad tired after the trip.Din bother to study~ haha...I know IM SUCH A SHAME T_T
This week:
Completed History test, Art mock exam.
Oh! Alison and me went to a trip to northpoint to buy a present for pencil since its his birthday on friday!
Guess who'sss charging forward!!

The reason? He seriously looks like a pooh bear when he takes out his specs.
friendly pooh!~
Haha! This was like so big I have to find a super big plastic bag to put it in.(yep. no wrapping paper.LAZY TO BUY MUAHAHA)
Well, he even went late to school that day. I think its because he doesn't want people to know his birthday lor!!
He was like telling us " HOW AM I GOING TO BRING THIS HOME LOL!"
Well~ this marks the end of my post ^_^ see ya next week~ STAY TUNE ^_^
Will be posting two reviews~ Since I din blog last week ^_^ Gomen ♥