Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jump! Concert@Esplanade

So fast and its saturday already!
No tests for this week too ^_^ YEAHHHH
So, things happening this week?
Nothing much~Maybe too much slacking due to the holidays~
HAHA oh yes, recently I have been having nosebleeds ==
It happens like for two days now?
Like seriously, I was just doing my work and BAM!
Blood came flowing down from my nose.WHAT IS THIS!! NANDEEE!!
Is the weather that hot? or am I just too HOT AND SEXAYY -puke x34925347823-
HAHAHAHAHA JOKE.Okai...not funneh.
So on Saturday I went to a concert called JUMP! at Esplanade.
Its sponsered by my school so YESHHH OF COURSE IM GONNA GOOO LOL!
Everybody wore so casual and Im like 0_0... the odd one out?
Well, some wore smart casual too, but its like so feww!!
First time being @ Esplanade( So deprived)
LOL so I took some FAIL pics on the trip to the Esplanade

Emi bought this programme booklet!Quite cool!
The show is just AWESOME!!
Its so funneh!
They have cool martial arts skills!
Love their cool kicks, cartwheels and agile movements!
Imma so jelly!
Everybody all thinks the son-in-law is HOT!
anyway HE IS! xDD
omgahhhhhhh~ -fangirling-
So after the show I realised that I had forgotten to put the money mum gave me to my wallet==
So I ended up with just one two dollars in my wallet. WHY SO POOR!
Have to bear my hunger all the way home!
Furthermore nobody was living near me and I walked home alone.(Forever alone?)
Sigh.Oh did I tell anybody here? I won contacts! xDD
And its been 2 weeks and they are not here yet :\
Well...I shall wait for one more week.
Abrupt ending, THE END xD

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