Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fun day at mac and recovering~

School's tiring today =.=~ I even got lost during english class
Seems like Im still not familiar with the school~LOL
AFTER 3 YEARS!????0_0
Nah~Im just very direction blinded =V=/
Went max after school with ali,emi,jan and duh boiiss LOL
wh unglam LOL!
So much things happen at mac!! xDD
Ry actually spilled his coke at the stairs and got a replacement for it 0_0!
Emi was busy wiping off all the food stuff that she drop on her skirt LOLLOL
and we actually timed her on how fast she can drink her coke~
She actually drank it until she wanted to puke LOL =..=
and i was busy smashing fries @v@ WAHAHAHAHA
Went home after that and didn't went to the doctor's~
Cause Im not coughing much already~wheeheee~
don't feel like going to school tmr~=..=
since its the last day already~sigh~

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