Thursday, November 15, 2012

End of School Life

Oh my time flies~
Its the end of my major exam, which means i am FREE FROM EDUCATION!! (temporary of course) 
So just to let me recall how I look like when I was a student:
 Student face yay! 
I actually wanted myself to do this routine of taking picture of myself everyday during the exam period but I gave up on day four.
Basically I was on a hardcore studying schedule, totally banned myself from using the computer, didn't have time to take care of my skin, etc etc.
Well and days past by and was like vroom, end of 'o's, PEOPLE.
I went back to playing PC games, trying new makeup and skincare products and dyed my hair!
Wanted a warm hair colour that has that shine ( i have no idea how to explain this)
In the end I dyed red copper. well, not exactly red but if i am not wrong its red copper. ==
Went out with buddies
and emi changed quite a lot too. 
 This is min hui,me and hui xin.
That cat is specially pasted there for min hui -laughs-
Next up on my to-do list:
To find a job!!!
Life after my major exam is much busier than I expected. 
Really, a busy life is way much better.
You get to think lesser, worry lesser and just look forward to the challenges coming to you?
And I will continue to make reviews again from now on!
Will try my best in making my reviews good T-T
Thats all for now~
Bye mortals!

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