Monday, January 24, 2011

Candies overloaded

Im back from my CNY shopping.
Super fun uh!
I really just throw everything I see interesting into the shopping cart LOLS~
haish.Can I ever stop my spendthrift habits?Hmmmm...
Anyways,will post more about CNY tom...
A very interesting story for you to listen:
I went to Watsons,Cause my sleeping cream no more liao(night cream i mean-.-)
Was actually browsing through the products.
I was taking a box I was pretty interested in,and the tester actually fell on the head of the Sales assistant!(She was squatting down beside me doing her work)
Remember emi?Just tat no blood was involved here,I felt SUPER bad and kept apologising to her.
So after she sort of "woke up"(maybe in shock ba)
She turn to me.
Me:Are you okay???(very kan chiong)
Sales assis stares*
And you know with wat expression?
I give you bigger version:

Actually,for a moment,I thought the tester thing knock her head she gone bonkus already.
But never,she just walk away.But came back after that.Never said a thing.
So the tester actually rolled under a shelf,so feeling bad,I went down and peep under the shelf to locate the stupid damn tester.
Guess what I saw?
A hairy,dead cockroach.
Am I sway or wat...
Its like...the chinese phrase si jiao chao tian! LOL
somemore the legs hairy hairy one
I got super freak out.Forget about feeling bad~I just walk out aft tat.
I went to guardian to buy instead.
I think im never going to that watson that place.The end.
cant tell eu the place.Maybe you try peeping every shelves of watsons^_^ see whether u see the cockroach^_^
Its waiting for eU! HAHA!

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