Friday, January 14, 2011

yeah!Friday's coming!!

Currently learning chinese spelling~~im so guai guai!!
Today I actually decided to come directly at 7.50am to let Emi know I can be puntual one.
Then instead she late-..-''
She brought her bento!!Made by her lovely mum!shes a great cook!!!!
I was to carry the bento all the way from morning assembly to recess if I want to have a share of it(according to Emi)
Aiyo...she very ps which I dunno why luh~
mum's love okay!♥♥♥
Anyway,during PE,was required to run 4 rounds.
This is absoulutely crazy,in the field somemore!!
I ran with Jacelin,while Alison and Emi walk(slackers!!!LOL)
Minhui is PRO!she run like the fastest and finishes as top something!(:o!)
Recess I tried emi's bento.
ITS................................SOOOO OISHII!!!!!!!
I can cry when eating it.Esp. the egg(ps. egg-lover)
Next time cook for me leii~!
Aft recess was art,
have to complete 3 stories within 30 min!!!(each 10 min given)
Everybody felt so stressed LOL!
Their expression was very epic when 10 min was over.
*G6 is playing on the radio now!!!^_^*
Random...Then we laugh laugh laugh cause some we dunno how to draw and looks very stupid.
Emi draw very nice okayysss...stop saying ur artwork sucks.IT MAY CRY!:(
End of art lesson~~
English lesson got extremely alot of homework(and WAT AM I DONG HERE!!)
Chinese lesson er....halfway sleeping....(forgive me:(
Aft tat got art remedial!~3-5.30
Actually quite fun.Many history stuffs~
Learnt how to look at art.
Also,got homework,to draw a story describing your personality.
Actually I keep asking my friends wats the definition of it.
Is it something u do?Ur hobby?Im not sure..
I go google check already.
I think Im drawing fun-loving.Its easier u know~
My drawing style belongs to the cute side ma~
Gonna test my chinese spelling.

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