Saturday, January 28, 2012

Got my last pay!!

 I just got my last pay recently!!
Why last you say, cause im not going to work there ever and ever again!! :<
Too tiring for me xD
 Went there after school~
 HX and emi~
 mr ch and hx~
 Derp spotted.

The always cute Janis!~
Was uber happy when we received our pay!! xD
Took pictures with Janis and I looked derp on every single one =.=

Can you spot the emi~~
 LOL.emi is the epic.
Super fun day~was joking about farts and actually smelled a super smelly one on the MRT.LOL
Omg uncontrollable laughter xD And we started to browse through my phone's gallery and started zooming in on everybody's faces ^_^ haha!

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