Wednesday, January 4, 2012

School starts!

The most dreadful words ever: SCHOOL STARTS!
T.T and im at sec 4 somemore -'O's stress-
Well~Since I have some free time, I decided to blog!!xD (actually was doing maths..SHH)
Won't have much time to blog since school starts already :(
Old pics when studying with emi and janis:
 Super unglam camwhore.LOL.
 Emi's gloomy bear~
And they keep leaving me FOREVER ALONE.
Keep talking about the boys they saw when they working blahblahblah
Huhuhu ;A;
First day of school:
Went Subway after school to celebrate! xD
 Caught unware!!

 Ali+me~with me torn and tattered shoes T.T
Emi so cute here!! xD
Funny story to tell:
During Art lesson, we were given objects to complete our observational drawings~
I got a wooden circular thing with the pattern of a sun~
Ben got a horse statue,
Emi got a lady statue(THAT IS SO SEXY!!-Quoted by herself xD)
So we were playing around and apparently pencil accidentedly broke ben's statue!!(only the horse's leg)
LOL.And I remembered the art teacher saying that we are not supposed to break the objects cause they are rare.LOL.GOOD LUCK BEN!
And after we reached Subway, Emi dropped her bag down on the floor and suddenly thought of her lady statue in her bag.Her face,from a smile,turned to a "oh shiet" face.LOL.
She took it out to check and alas! THE STATUE WAS BEHEADED.
I almost choked on my sandwich!!xDD
Hahas~Cant wait to go Poly open house tmr ^_^
Thats all~bai bai!

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